Storyboard uses a WYSIWYG editor to enable the user to place the controls and graphics by dragging and dropping. Variable's can be assigned to control data and then updated using either the integrated Lua scripting or by using the greio API provided in the runtime. The API allows a user to write a native C application that can send data to and receive data from Storyboard, I had originally planned to write a small daemon that would read the 1-wire temperature data and pull up the proper GPIO line to enable the SSR which would switch on the cooling device plugged into it. After a bit of research I discovered that Rsisto had published a free to use GPIO library for Lua. Since Storyboard has full support for Lua baked right in, I can simply write all my code as a Lua script, making my application that much simpler as all my code now lives in a single Storyboard project! I was pretty excited to get started so I whipped up the fastest thing I could, I honestly spent less than 10 minutes putting together the UI you see in the video below, I plan on making it a lot nicer in the coming days, but I wanted to get the bare minimum up to test the GPIO library and to make sure the temperature reporting was also working properly. Check out the very quick demo below;
It's a little difficult to see in the video but I have a room lamp plugged into the outlet controlled by the SSR, when the GPIO line is pulled High the SSR enables the 110v circuit to complete energizing the plug and anything attached to it. The idea here is that when we go above a certain set-point we want the fridge that acts as my cooling source to turn on which will drive the temperature in the fermentation chamber down to our set-point and keep it there ( within a couple of tenths of a degree ) so that the wort is fermented at exactly the temperature we want. I will also be adding a heating element which will be controlled by another SSR which will turn on a heating element of some kind so I can manage my temperature exactly.
And now the Lua code that controls the GPIO and feeds the temperature display on the GUI.
require ("gpio") -- import library local device_path = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-00000449da30/w1_slave' -- setup the device defaults local ssr_fired = false configureOutGPIO(60) writeGPIO(60,0) -- timer callback function, read temp every second and update GPIO as required. function read_temp() local f = assert(, 'r')) local t = f:read("*all") local temp local data_table = {} f:close() for w in string.gmatch(t,"t=*=(%d+)") do temp = w end local report_temp_c = string.format("%.2f",temp / 1000) data_table["probeTemp"] = report_temp_c gre.set_data(data_table) local temp_c = temp/1000 --print (string.format("Got temp of %s C",temp_c)) if ( temp_c > 24 ) then if ( ssr_fired == false ) then local data_table = {} print("Turning on") ssr_fired = true data_table["Layer1.Cooling_On.grd_hidden"] = 0 gre.set_data(data_table) writeGPIO(60,1) end else if ( ssr_fired == true) then local data_table = {} print("Turning off") ssr_fired = false writeGPIO(60,0) data_table["Layer1.Cooling_On.grd_hidden"] = 1 gre.set_data(data_table) end end endThis is a first cut at the logic behind the temperature controller, but all of the magic required to turn on and off the cooling element is already here, I just need to make it a bit smarter. The first thing I'll be adding is some hysteresis so that the system doesn't cycle the mini-fridge on and off constantly as the temperature hovers around the set point. The primary reason for this is that compressors in fridges don't take very well to being cycled on and off frequently. I will be building in a 2 minute delay to prevent burning out the compressor. I also plan on displaying the temperature values in a graph that will update constantly so you can get a quick overview of the fermentation schedule and see if there were any drastic changes due to a heating/cooling system failure. As it stands I've got a nearly functional fermentation controller application and I've spent more time writing this blog entry than I have building the GUI and control logic! I'll be spending the next couple of days polishing the GUI and rounding out the control logic and adding in the graphing of temperature values. After that I'll switch over to building out the Web interface which will allow for the uploading of Fermentation profiles and for controlling and viewing the fermentation from any Internet connected device.